6 parks and 1 swimming pool for lunch

Today's challenge was to work from home efficiently. I'll be honest - I used to be distracted by many things while WFH before. This time I helped (tricked?) myself by planning some cycling fun during lunch time. The idea was to visit 6 parks nearby (shame on my, I haven't been in some of them before though they are close) in 1 hour. And as a bonus, quick swimming in Dawn Fraser Baths.

Did it.

How it helped to finish planned work tasks?

1 - fast cycling plus 15 min swimming have less sleeping effect than usual lunch inside the building I work in

2 - realizing that you succeeded in managing time for certain activity gives confidence in finishing other tasks in time

3 - numbers are always super convincing. 6 parks plus swimming pool in just one hour! Of course I can close 3 tickets in one day!

4 - cycling makes me feel free and happy - suitable mood for accomplishing creative and challenging tasks.

What's for your next lunch? ;)
